Combined Efforts, Improved Revenue

See how Radiologybill has helped one practice decrease debt and maximize profitability with proven collection efforts.

About Richmond Radiologists

Richmond Radiologists, Inc. is a nine doctor radiology group working in seven facilities, including three hospitals that has been providing expert quality imaging since 1974. More than 125,000 procedures are performed each year.

Bill Reminders – Early Out Service

Bill Reminders are a cost effective, fixed price service ideal for Self-Pay accounts 30 days from the date of service. Radiologybill recovered an additional 32.5% of revenue from early out collections services. This brought Richmond Radiologists total revenue to 57.5% at day 90 in the revenue cycle.


Collection Results

Richmond Radiologists placed $8,899,911 and Radiologybill has recovered $2,190,824. The result is a 25% liquidation rate on accounts older than 150 days from the date of service. Radiologybill’s results are in addition to their existing in house recovery efforts.

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